Swachh Bharat Mission is a mass movement for cleanliness launched by the Prime Minister of India. The dream of a ‘Clean India’ once seen by Mahatma Gandhi is being realized with millions of people across the country joining the cleanliness initiatives of the government departments, NGOs and local community centers to make India clean as a part of this initiative. BPCL have also joined the stream line to make that dream come true.
Swachh Baharat app provides our customers with a tracking tool which aims to track the cleanliness of toilets at retail outlets(Petrol Pumps), You can report the condition of the toilets by using this app and can also click photos and attach them with your complaint. The app also provides a tracking tool, with which you can track your complaint anytime, anywhere.
This application is in line with Swachh Bharat campaign and envisions clean India in 2019.